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CH&E Seminar Series: Dr. Sara Kirk

Posted by GHO Admin on January 8, 2015 in News

Date: January 13, 2015
Time: 12:00-1:00pm
Location: CH&E Classroom #409 5790 University Avenue

The wicked problem of obesity: what's going on and what should we do about it?

As we kick off another New Year, millions of Canadians will make a resolution to eat less and move more following the inevitable indulgences of the festive season. Rates of overweight and obesity have increased over the last two decades and have significant health and economic implications. Current evidence highlights that obesity is a complex, multi-factorial issue - a wicked problem that requires comprehensive, sustainable initiatives to stimulate the changes necessary to produce a population-level change in weight status.

Using data from studies undertaken in Nova Scotia, this presentation will explore the causes and consequences of obesity, with a focus on the challenges and opportunities for achieving health in Nova Scotia communities through public policy actions.

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