Dr. Emily Gard Marshall, PhD

Email: emily.marshall@dal.ca
Phone: (902) 473-4155
Mailing Address:
1465 Brenton Street, Suite 402
Halifax NS B3J 3T4
- Postdoctoral Fellow, UBC
- PhD, (Interdisciplinary Studies), UBC
- MSc, (Community Health and Epidemiology), Dalhousie
- BA, (Anthropology and Political Science), UBC
Research Interests
Dr. Marshall’s mixed-methods research examines primary healthcare from patient, provider, and system perspectives to address the quadruple aim: promoting population health, optimizing costs, enhancing patient experience, and supporting care team well-being. Foci include access, continuity, and comprehensiveness to improve equity and optimize outcomes across the life course, involving population data and vulnerable populations. She leads multiple pan-Canadian studies including the CIHR COVID-19 Rapid Response funded PUPPY-Study. Her research has been supported by more than $40 million in grant funding from tri-council, national, provincial, and university funding agencies ($3.1 million as principal investigator and $38 million as co-investigator). She has published over 40 peer-reviewed articles (23 as first or senior author) and given more than 160 invited and peer-reviewed conference presentations. Dr. Marshall is the 2020 recipient of the NAPCRG Mid-Career Researcher Award.
Selected Grants
Nova Scotia Health Research Fund:
Underserved and Unattached: Providing Access to Primary Healthcare, (U-PATH); Follow-up to the UP-Study
Principal Investigator: Emily Marshall
Nova Scotia Health Research Fund
Charting our own course: Practical and ethical considerations implementing Ai-supported charting in primary care
Principal Investigator: Dr. Mathew Grandy: Co-Investigators: Marshall EG, Thomson C, Piccinini H, Welton S, Rudzicz F, Green, Zed J, Horrey, K, Lavergne R, Pottie K, Stringer K, Atkinson S, Sadler L
CIHR Project Grant
$680,000 Competitive
April 1, 2024-March 31, 2028
Examining experiences and system impacts of publicly funded virtual care
PIs: Lavergne MR, Austin N, Hedden L, Kiran T, Lapointe-Shaw L, Marshall E.G, Martin-Misener R, Splane J, McDonald T, Moravac C, Juda M.
CIHR Grant
Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR) – Planning and Dissemination Grant.
$10,000 Competitive
March 1, 2023- June 30, 2023
Transdisciplinary Understanding and Training on Research - Primary Health Care (TUTOR-PHC): Knowledge Mobilization Symposium.
PIs: Brown JB, Terry AL Co-Is: Ashcroft R, Bayliss L, Beleno R, Bhattacharyya O, Breton M, Donnelly C, Fortin M, Ganann R, Lavergne MR, Leblanc A, Marshall EG, Martin- Meisner R, Mathews M, Menear M, Nicholson K, Pinto A, Poitras ME, Ramsden V, Reid G, Ryan BL, Sampalli T, Sasseville M, Stewart M,
Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR) – Planning and Dissemination Grant.
$10,000 Competitive
January 1, 2023- January 1, 2024.
Transdisciplinary Understanding and Training on Research - Primary Health Care (TUTOR-PHC): Knowledge Mobilization Symposium.
PIs: Terry AL, Brown JB Co-Is: Ashcroft R, Bayliss L, Beleno R, Bhattacharyya O, Breton M, Donnelly C, Fortin M, Ganann R, Lavergne MR, Leblanc A, Marshall EG, Martin- Meisner R, Mathews M, Menear M, Nicholson K, Pinto A, Poitras ME, Ramsden V, Reid G, Ryan B, Sampalli T, Sasseville M, Stewart M, Wilson E.
Research Nova Scotia: New Health Investigator Grant
$99,835 Competitive
January 2023 – December 2024
A thousand papercuts: Understanding and addressing changing administrative workload in primary care.
PI: Lavergne MR Co-I: Martin-Misener R, Bergin F, Buote R, Easley F, Gradstein R, Grudniewicz A, Hedden L, Leslie M, Marshall EG, Mooney M, Palmer E, Tracey J, Partner: McKay M.
CIHR Operating Grant: COVID-19 Outpatient Therapeutic Studies
$5,000,000 Competitive
July 2022 – June 2023
Canadian ADAptive Platform Trial of COVID-19 Therapeutics in Community Settings (Can-ADAPT COVID)
NPI: Pinto, A. Co-PIs: Keynan, Y., Greiver, M., Jüni, P., Lee, T.C., McDonald, E.G., Murthy, S., Selby, P.L. Co-Is: Barrett, L., Couturier, Y., Daley, P., Piszczek, J., Razak, F., Salvaterra, R.P., Scrimshaw, C., Warshafsky, D.A. Collaborators: Andrew, M.K., Aubrey-Bassler, F.K., Barber, D., Barrett, B.J., Breton, M., Butler, C.C., Condon, A., da Costa, B.R., Dahrouge, S., Fowler, R.A., Garies, S., Grandy, M., Hudon, C., Isenor, J., Ivers, N.M., Jenkins, D.J., Katz, A., Leblanc, A., Leong, C., Little, P., Logsetty, S., Lother, S., Lussier, M.T., Mangin, D., Marshall, E.G., Marshall, J.C., McBrien, K., McCracken, R., Moineddin, R., Morris, A.M., Orkin, A.M., Paquette, J.S., Park, J., Persaud, N., Rac, V.E., Ramsden, V.R., Rayner, J., Salvalaggio, G.L., Sanchez Ramirez, D.C., Saxinger, L., Shi, H., Singer, A.G., Spiwak, R., Tarride, J.E. Upshur, R.E, Wong, S.T., Wood, B., Zarychanski, R., Zelek, B.
Nova Scotia Health Research Fund, March 2022
$4,550 Competitive
June 2022 – May 2023
Socially vulnerable and 'orphaned' patients in the emergency department: stakeholder perspectives
NPI: Mah, J. Co-Is: Andrew, M.K., Searle, S., Rockwood, K., Maltzahn, M., Freter, S., Latariya, G., Eum, L., Nicholls, K., Stilwell, C., Marshall, E.G., Koller, K.
CIHR Catalyst Grant: Quadruple Aim and Equity, October 2021
$92,650 Competitive
February 2022 – January 2023
Developing Canadian national standards for virtual delivery of mental health services within primary care
NPI: O’Neill, B. PKU: Kurdyak, P. Co-I: Greiver, M., Kastner, M., Kelly, M., Kiran, T., Langford, L., Melamed, O., Montesanti, S., Salvalaggio, G., Selby, P. Collaborators: Atherton, H., Lemire, F., Marshall, E.G., Parikh, S., Sediqzadah, S., Slade, S., Srinivasan, V., Vahidi Williams, N., Wilson, R., Ziegler, C.
CIHR Catalyst Grant: Quadruple Aim and Equity, October 2021
$99,796 Competitive
February 2022 – January 2023
Evidence for innovations that improve equity in access to primary care: Cross-jurisdictional comparative analysis of longitudinal national survey data, policy review and synthesis
NPI: Lavergne, M.R. PKU: Christian, E. Co-I: Allin, S., Hajizadeh, M., Hedden, L., Katz, A., Kephart, G., Leslie, M., Marshall, E.G., Rudoler, D., Sampalli, T.
CIHR Project Grant
$1,461,149 Competitive
September 2021 – August 2024
Identifying strategies for successful implementation of primary healthcare teams: longitudinal case studies across three Canadian provinces
PIs: Wodchis WP, Martin-Misener R, Sampalli T, Surani N, Wong ST Co-Is: Baker, GR, Christian E, Embrett M, Kephart G, Kuluski KH, Marshall EG, McCracken R, Ndateba I, Oelke N, Packer TL, Price MTM, Rayner J, Shaw JA, Sim SM, Steele Gray CA, Wankah Nji P.
CIHR Operating Grant: Emergent COVID-19 Research, Gaps, & Priorities
$499,616 Competitive
December 2021 – November 2023
Pandemic Planning for Primary Care: Developing an Integrated Response Framework for Family Physicians, Nurses, and Pharmacists
NPI: Mathews M Co-PIs: Marshall EG, Lukewich J, Hedden L Co-Is: Asghari S, Brown J, Bruneau J, Cassell L, Donnan J, Annette Elliott Rose, Freeman T, Gill P, Isenor J, Letto A, Martin-Misener R, McCracken R, Power L, Ryan B, Sibbald S, Swanson M, Terry A, Wilson E, Wong E.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Project Grant
$604,350 Competitive
October 2021 – September 2024
The Impact of Funding Models on the Integration of Registered Nurses in Primary Health Care Teams
NPI: Mathews M Co-PIs: Lukewich J, Hedden L Co-Is: Brown J, Green M, Marshall EG, McCracken R, Norful A, Poitras ME, Sibbald S, Tranmer J.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Project Grant
$711,451 Competitive
July 2021-2025
Pan-Canadian Study of Psychiatric Care (PCPC)
NPI: Rudoler, D Co-PIs: Lavergne MR, Marshall EG, Zaheer J Co-Is: Bolton J, Etches S, Good K, Katz A, Kurdyak P.
Research Contract Awarded from Doctors Nova Scotia
Apr 2021- Oct 2021
The Implementation and Usage of an Asynchronous Virtual Care Delivery Option to Safely Provide Care During COVID-19 and Beyond – Identifying Benefits and Barriers.
PIs: Marshall EG, Sadler L: Co-Is: Zed J, Grandy M, Gray S, Donahue M, Chow S, Mallam K.
Nova Scotia Health Research Fund - Trainee award
$6,958 competitive
April 2021
An exploration of the evolving perception of quality of life from the perspective of individuals living with a cervical spinal cord injury
PI: Leck E; Co Is: Christie S, Barry S, McVeigh S, Marshall EG
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Project Grant - PA: Patient-Oriented Research: Early-Career Investigator. Fall 2020
$100,000 competitive
Mar 2021-Feb 2022
Understanding and Improving the Care Experiences of People with Mental-Physical Multimorbidity during and beyond the Covid-19 Pandemic
NPI: Menear M; PI: Dugout A; Co PIs: Breton M, Carrier J, Côté N, Couturier Y, Dogba MJ, Fortin M, Gagnon MP, Gillbert M, Girard A, Kothari A, L’Espérance A, LeBlanc A, Lussier MT, Poitras ME, Sasseville M, Vachon B, Wong S; PKUs: Paquette J, Bedard M; Collaborators: Marshall EG, Archambault P, Bajurny V, Bayliss E, Brown JB, Cholette P, Courtemanche S, Friset P, Lafleur M, Larouche A, Mair F, Smith S.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) SPOR Early-Career Investigator Priority Funding. Fall 2020
$100,000 competitive
Apr 2021-Mar 2022
Virtual Primary Care: A Multi-Provincial Mixed Methods Study of Access, Experiences, And Outcomes
NPI: Hedden L: Co-PIs: Marshall EG, Grandy M, Halas G, Katz A, McCracken R: Co-Is: Ashcroft R, Holland M, Lavallee D, Lavergne R, Lenskjold A, Lukewich J, Mathews M, McCabe C, McGail K, Mitra G, Price M, Ryan B, Sampalli T, Singer S, Tomblin Murphy G: Collaborators; Bryan S, Fernandez R, McKay M, Prodan-Bhalla N, Rubenstein D, Slade S, Strydom N, Vicol L, Yu E.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). SPOR Early-Career Investigator Priority Funding. Fall 2020
$100,000 competitive
April 2021 – March 2022
Primary Healthcare for People with Dementia: Exploring Care Provided by Collaborative Family Practice Teams
NPI: Moody E: Co-Is: Martin-Misener R, Warner G, Marshall EG, Savage S, Smith C, Aubrecht K, Phinney A, Hung L, Ganann R, Britten S, Cohen F, Taylor M, Jamieson SH.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). COVID-19 Rapid Research Funding Opportunity - Operating Grant. May 2020
$407,552 Competitive
June 2020 – May 2022
PUPPY Study - Problems Coordinating and Accessing Primary Care for Attached and Unattached Patients Exacerbated During the COVID-19 Pandemic Year: A Longitudinal Mixed Methods Study with Rapid Reporting and Planning for the Road Ahead
NPI: Marshall EG: Co-PIs: Breton M, Green M, Isenor J, Mathews M; Co-Is: Andrew M, Ashcroft R, Bayoumi I, Bishop A, Bowles S, Burge F, Christian E, Cossette B, Dahrouge S, Dolovich L, Duhoux A, Edwards L, Gibson R, Grant A, Guénette L, Harris M, Kiran T, Lawson B, Lenskjold A, MacKenzie A, Martin-Misener R, McDougall E, McKay M, McCarthy L, Morrison B, Murphy A, Sampalli T, Smithman M, d'Entremont-MacVicar E.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). COVID-19 Rapid Research Funding Opportunity - Operating Grant. May 2020
$380,309 Competitive
June 2020 – June 2021
Pandemic Planning for Primary Care: Lessons from Four Provinces
NPI: Mathews M. Co-PIs: Hedden L, Lukewich J, Marshall EG; Co-Is: Asghari S, Aubrey-Bassler K, Brown J, Christian E, Freeman T, Gill P, Kim G, McCracken R, Ryan B, Schacter G, Sibbald S, Strydom N, Terry A, Thind A, Wong E, Alexaiadis M, McKay M, Summers A, Wickett J, Young J.
Nova Scotia COVID-19 Health Research Coalition
$35,000 Competitive
May 2020 – May 2021
Primary Care and Pandemics: How do we get care to those who need it?
PIs: F Burge, Lenskjold A; Co-Is: Marshall EG, Zed J, Christian E, Sabri S, Grandy M, Ricketts J, Holland M.
Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA); Research Fund
$25,000 Competitive
June 2020 – May 2021
PUP Study: Pharmacists Managing Care for Unattached Patients in Nova Scotia: An Exploration of Pharmacists' Perspectives
NPI: Marshall EG; Co-Is: Bowles S, Isenor J, Bishop A, Morrison B, Kennie-Kaulback N, Woodill L
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR); Project Grant
$592,876 Competitive
October 2019 – September 2023
The CUP Study: Comparative Analysis of Centralized Waitlist Effectiveness, Policies, and Innovations for Connecting Unattached Patients to Primary Care Providers.
NPI: Marshall EG; CoPIs: Breton M, Green M, Mathews M; CoIs: Andrew MK, Ashcroft R, Bayoumi I, Burge F, Correa Woodrow A, Dahrouge S, Duhoux A, Kiran T, Lawson B Martin-Misener R, Peddle S, Wong S. KUs: Ryan Carson S, Sampalli T. Collaborator: Bell K; Grise H, Weld Viscount P. DMs: Gibson RJ, MacKenzie A, McPherson C. PMs: Dube, Yampolsky R. PKU: Edwards L
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR); Operating Grant: Transitions in Care – Best and Wise Practices Grant
$99,987 Competitive
March 2019 – February 2022
Assessing the Effect of Primary Care Models and Access on Unplanned, Repeat Hospitalizations Across Communities in Nova Scotia.
NPI: Kephart G; PI: Marshall EG; PKU: McPherson C; KU: Blackmore G; Co-Is: Andrew M, Edwards L, Gibson R, Mathews M, Reid M, Sampalli T; Collaborator: Robinson A.
Selected Publications
Mathews M., Idrees S., Ryan D., Hedden L., Lukewich J., Marshall E.G., Judith Belle Brown, Paul Gill, Madeleine McKay, Eric Wong, Leslie Meredith, Lauren Moritz, Sarah Spencer. System-Based Interventions to Address Physician Burnout: A Qualitative Study of Canadian Family Physicians’ Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic International Journal of Health Policy Management 2024 (CA)
Isenor, J; Moritz, L; Mathews, M; Morrison, B; Murphy, A; Bishop, A; Bowles, S; Kennie-Kaulbach, N; Peddle, S; Breton, M; Green, M; Marshall, E.G, Patient perspectives on the vital primary care role of community pharmacists in Nova Scotia, Canada: Qualitative findings from the PUPPY Study International Journal of Pharmacy Practice March 2024 (CA)
Mathews, M., Hedden, L., Lukewich, J. Marshall, E.G., Meredith, L., Moritz, L., Ryan, D., Spencer, S., Brown, J.B., Gill, P.S., Wong, E.K.. Adapting care provision in family practice during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study exploring the impact of primary care reforms in four Canadian regions. BMC Prim. Care 25, 109 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12875-024-02356-x (CA)
Spencer, S., Lukewich, J., Marshall, E.G., Mathews, M., Asghari, S., Brown JB., Freeman, TR., Gill, P., Idrees, S., McCracken, RM., Ranade, S., Slade, S., Terry, AL., Wickett, J., Wong, E., Buote, R., Meredith, L., Moritz, L., Ryan, D., & Hedden, L. “Family doctors are also people”: A qualitative analysis of how family physicians managed competing personal and professional responsibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hum Resour Health 22, 18 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12960-024-00901-4 (CA)
Embrett M., Packer T.L., Fitzgerald E., Jaswal S.K., Lehman M.J., Brown M., Burge F., Christian E., Isenor J.E., Marshall E.G., Misenor-Martin R., Sampalli T., Zed J., Leigh J.P. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on primary care physicians and nurses in Nova Scotia: a qualitative exploratory study. CMAJ Open 2023 11(2):E274-E281 doi: 10.9778/cmajo.20210315(CA)
Mathews M, Liu T, Ryan D, Hedden L, Lukewich J, Marshall EG, Buote RD, Meredith L, Moritz LR, Spencer S, Asghari S, Brown JB, Freeman T, Gill PS, Sibbald S. Practice- and system-based interventions to reduce COVID19 transmission in primary care settings: A qualitative Study. Healthcare Policy 2023:19(2):63-78.(CA)
Hedden, L; Spencer, S; Mathews, M; Marshall, EG; Lukewich, J; Asghari, S; Gill, P; McCracken, RK; Vaughan, C; Wong, E; Buote, R; Meredith, L; Moritz, L; Ryan, D; & Schacter, G. “Technology has allowed us to do a lot more but it's not necessarily the panacea for everybody”: Family physician perspectives on virtual care during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. PLOS ONE (CA)
Lavergne, MR., Moravac, C., Buote, R., Easley, J., Grudniewicz, A., Hedden, L., Leslie, M., McKay, M., Marshall, EG, Mooney, M., Palmer, E., & Tracey, J. Understanding and addressing changing administrative workload in primary care in Canada: Protocol for a mixed method study. BMJ Open13:e076917. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076917(CA)
Grant, A., Rowe, L., Kontak, J., Jeffers, E., Lawson, B., MacKenzie, A., Burge, F., Boulos, L., Lackie, K., Marshall, E.G., Mireault, A., Philpott, S., Sampalli, T., Sheppard-LeMoine, D., & Martin-Misener, R. (2023) Barriers and enablers to implementing interprofessional collaborative teams in primary care: A narrative review of the literature using the consolidated framework for implementation research. BMC Primary Care (CA)
Young G, Mathews M, Hedden LK, Lukewich J, Marshall EG, Gill PS, McKay M, Ryan D, Spencer S, Buote RD, Meredith L, Moritz L, Brown JB, Christian E, Wong E. (2023) “Swamped with information”: A qualitative study of family physicians’ experiences of managing and applying pandemic-related information. Frontiers in Communication (CA).https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomm.2023.1186678(CA)
McConnell, M., Andrew, M., Marshall, E.G., & Stock, D. Is dementia related to a longer wait time to be assigned a new primary care provider? An analysis of the Nova Scotia Need a Family Practice Registry derived from the PUPPY study. Canadian Geriatrics Journal Vol 26, No4, (2023) DOI: https://doi.org/10.5770/cgj.26.681
Maria, M., Xiao, J., Hedden, L., Lukewich, J., Marshall, E.G., Buote. R., Meredith, L., Moritz, L., Moritz, L., Ryan, D., Spencer, S., Asghari, S., Gill, P.S., Wickett, J., Wong, E (2023) Family physicians’ roles in long-term care homes and other congregate residential care settings during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study. Journal of Long Term Care (DOI: 10.31389/jltc.229) (CA)
Marshall, E.G., Miller, L., & Moritz, L.(2023) Challenges and impacts from wait-times for specialist care identified by primary care providers: Results from the MAAP study cross-sectional survey. Healthcare Management Forum 2023;0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/08404704231182671 (PA)
Moritz, L.R., Buote, R., McKay, M., Meredith. L., Ryan, D., Spencer, S.,Vaughan, C., Hedden, L., Lukewich, J., Mathews, M., Asghari, S., Brown, J.B., Gill, P.S., Wong, E., Marshall, E.G. Family physicians’ perspectives on collaboration challenges between primary care and specialist care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: A qualitative study, SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmqr.2023.100338 (SA)
Grudniewicz, A., Randall, E., Lavergne, M.R., Marshall, E.G., Jones, L., Rudoler, D., Horrey, K., Mathews, M., McKay, M., Mitra, G., Scott, I., Snadden, D., Wong, S.T., & Goldsmith, L. Factors influencing practice choices of early-career family physician in Canada: A qualitative interview study. Annals of Family Medicine (Accepted June 2023). Pre-print doi: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.05.07.23289626v1 (CA).
Hedden L, Spencer S, Mathews M, Marshall E.G, Lukewich J, Asghari S, Brown JB, Gill PS, Freeman TR, McCracken RK, Ryan BL, Vaughan C, Wong E, Buote R, Meredith L, Moritz L, Ryan D, McKay M, Schacter G. "There's nothing like a good crisis for innovation": a qualitative study of family physicians' experiences with virtual care during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Health Serv Res. 2023 Apr 4;23(1):338. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-023-09256-3 (CA)
Mathews, M; Meredith, L; Ryan, D; Hedden, L; Lukewich, J; Marshall, EG; Moritz, L; Spencer, S; Xiao, J; Brown, JB; McKay, M; & Wong, E. An analysis of policies supporting the roles of family physicians in four regions in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthcare Management Forum. 2023;0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/08404704231183174 (CA)
Mathews, M., Ryan, D., Hedden, L., Lukewich, J., Marshall, E.G., Buote, R., Meredith, L., Moritz, L., Spencer, S., Asghari, S., Brown, J.B., Freeman, T., Gill, P., Ryan, B., Wetmore, S., & Wong, E. (2023). Strengthening the integration of primary care in pandemic response plans. British Journal of General Practice. www.doi.org/10.3399/BJGP.2022.0350 (CA)
Marshall, E.G., Cook, M., Moritz, L., Buote, R., Mathews, M., & Breton, M. (2023) “A band-aid solution”: Policy maker and primary care provider perspectives on the value of attachment incentives. Healthcare Policy, 18, 4. https://doi.org/10.12927/hcpol.2023.27090 (SA)
Marshall, E.G., Stock, D., Buote, R., Andrew, M.K., Breton, M., Cossette, B., Green, M., Isenor, J.E., Mathews, M., MacKenzie, A., Martin Misener, R., McDougall, B., Mooney, M., & Moritz, L.R. (2023). Emergency department utilization and hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions among people seeking a primary care provider during the COVID-19 pandemic. CMAJ Open, 11, 3. https://doi.org/10.9778/cmajo.20220128