Benjamin Capps
Associate Professor

Contact Information
Telephone: 902-494-7030
Mailing Address:
Department of Bioethics
Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University
5849 University Avenue, Room C-312, CRC Bldg
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS B3H 4R2
Department of Bioethics
Research topics:
- One Health and Environmental Ethics (One Health Ethics; Cambridge University Press, 2024)
- Stem Cell Science and Ethics (Contested Cells: Global Perspectives on the Stem Cell Debate; co-editor, Imperial Collage Press, 2010)
- Neuroethics, drugs (mis)use and addiction research (Addiction Neurobiology: Ethical and Social Implications; with others, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2009)
- Jurisprudential and political theory, in particular the application of human rights in biotechnology and bio-medicine.

- B.Sc. (Hons) Genetics, Cardiff University, UK
- MA, School of Law, University of Sheffield, UK
- Ph.D., Faculty of Medicine, University of Bristol, UK
Research Interests
Ben’s work investigates issues relating to the nexus between applied ethics, normative theory, and jurisprudence. His overall aim is to impart substantive theoretical guidance (or ethical grounding and critique) that has professional and wider social impact.
In 2024, he was awarded a grant to lead a workshop at the Brocher Foundation in Geneva. The – project – The Ecological Genome Project and the Promises of Ecogenomics for Society – involved academics from around the world, and was supported by funding from the Johns Hopkins Medical School, Jackson Laboratory, and HUGO. He was the PI on the project ‘One Health, Zoonotic Diseases and Pandemic Planning: Creating a Bioethics Framework in Singapore’ (Ministry of Health, Singapore, 2014-16); and Workpackage Leader on ‘EPOCH: Ethics in Public Policy Making: The Case of Human Enhancement’ (European Commission, 2010-12).
Selected journal publications
- Capps, B. 2022. One Health Ethics. Bioethics* 36(4): 348-355.
- *Top 10 most-cited papers published 1st January 2022-31st December 2023.
- Capps, B. 2021. Where does Open Science Lead Us During a Pandemic? A Public Good Argument to Prioritise Rights in the Open Commons. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 30(1): 1-14
- Capps, B., Van de Eijk, Y., and Krahn, T. 2020. Conflicts of Interest in E-Cigarette Research: A Public Good and Public Interest Perspective. Bioethics 34(1): 114-122.
- Mulvihill, J. Capps, B., Joly, J. Lysaght, T., Zwart, H. and Chadwick, R. The International Human Genome Organisation (HUGO) Committee of Ethics, Law, and Society (CELS). 2017. Ethical Issues of CRISPR Technology and Gene Editing through the Lens of Solidarity. British Medical Bulletin 122(1): 109-122
- Capps, B. 2016. The Funding of Medical Research by Industry: Can a Good Tree bring Forth Evil Fruit? British Medical Bulletin 118(1):5-15
- Capps, B., Bailey, M., Bickford, D., Coker, R., Lederman, Z., Lover, A., Lysaght, T., and Tambyah, P. 2015. Introducing One Health to the Ethical Debate about Zoonotic Diseases in South East Asia. Bioethics 29(8): 588–596
Selected awards and honours
- Wellcome Trust Research Fellowship (Ph.D. Medicine; 2000-2003), Centre for Ethics in Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Bristol, UK.
- Wellcome Trust Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (2004-2006); Centre for Ethics in Medicine, University of Bristol, UK.
Service & Activity
- Humanimal Trust. Member of Science Committee on One Medicine. Surrey, United Kingdom, Registered Charity Nos 1156927 & SC048960; September 2022-present.
- Chair, Human Genome Organisation (HUGO) Committee on Ethics, Law and Society. Advisory to HUGO, The Human Variome Project, and Human Genome Variation Society
- Journal Advisory Board: Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. Cambridge University Press. Clinical Neuroethics Advisory Board.
- World Federation for Animals: One Health Working Group 2019-2022.
- Belris: Bioethics and Legal Research in Singapore. Joint-Director of Singapore-based independent think-tank. 2014- 2016.
- Neuroethics Working Group, Bioethics Advisory Committee. Singapore. 2011- 2014.
- Pro-Tem National Oversight Committee for Human-Animal Combinations in Stem Cell Research. Ministry of Health, Singapore. 2011- 2012.
- Royal United Hospital Trust (City of Bath, UK) Clinical Ethics Committee. 2003-2008.
Teaching and Service
- Between 2014 and 2022, Ben was the Unit Head of Professional Competencies in Med1 – a longitudinal course on the Ethical, Social, and Legal aspects of practicing medicine.
- Nominated Member, Leon and Rose Zitner Prize; Faculty of Health [representing Faculty of Medicine, with Faculty of Health, Faculty of Dentistry or Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences] 2001-present.