Lisbeth Witthøfft Nielsen

Contact information:
Telephone: 902-494-3801
Mailing address:
C-315 CRC Building
5849 University Avenue
PO Box 15000, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3H 4R2
Research topics:
- Bioetechnology
- Research ethics
- Concept of nature in ethics
- Organizational ethics
Related information:
- PhD candidate, Aarhus University, Denmark
- Cand. theol. (MA in Theology)
Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Selected publications:
- Monograph. Kemp P. and L.W. Nielsen (2009): Klimabevidsthedens barrierer, Tiderne skifter, Copenhagen. 112p. (In Danish) [title translated: The Barriers to Climate Awareness]. This monograph was also published in a short edited version, by the Danish Ministry of Climate and Energy.
- Book Chapter. Nielsen L.W. (2013): “Genetically Modified Organisms: An Ethical and Sustainable way to Food Security?” in Global Health and International Community: Essays on Ethical, Political, and Regulatory Challenges in Global Health, Coggon J. and Gola S (eds.), series: Science Ethics and Society; Harris J. and J. Sulston (eds.); Bloomsbury Academics.
- Peer reviewed paper. Capps B.J., L.W. Nielsen, G. Stirrat (2012): A Brief Critique of Two Claims about the Social Values of Biotechnological Enhancements. Asian Bioethics Review 4, no. 4 (2012): 251-258
- Published reort. Kemp, P. K. Lunde and L.W Nielsen (2002): Genteknologi og Etik: National ret, research report to the Danish National Consumer Agency, only available online in Danish: [Title translated: Gene Technology and Ethics: National Regulation].
- Editorial Work. Capps B.J., R ter Meulen and L W Nielsen (eds.) (2012): Asian Bioethics Review: Special Issue – proceedings from EPOCH (The Ethics in Public Policy Making: The Case of Human Enhancement), Asian Bioethics Review, Vol. 4, Issues 4 (2012).
- 2014(Sept) - present. Tutor. Professional Competencies I. Undergraduate Medical Education – MED 1 (14/15). Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
- Workshop Teaching in research ethics for junior and senior scientists, 2011 -2014 (Aug.). Workshop Programme Co-ordinator. Lecturing on responsible conduct of research and fascilitation of case discussions and role play session.
- Postgraduate Teaching, 2012 -2014 (Aug.). Lecturer under module MCI5005 Ethics and Regulation of Clinical Research. Master of Clinical Research. Topics: “Research Involving Animals” and “Regulations Governing Animal research”.
- Postgraduate Teaching, 2011 -2014 (Aug.). Formal commentary on student presentations, under Module MDG5216, Bioethics in Asia under Module MDG5215 Bioethics and Biolaw.
- Several postgraduate lectures, singly.
- 2006: “Underlying and Governing Questions-The Concept of Nature in Ethical Debate and Policy Making”, BIOTETHED PhD course 1, Brno, Czech Republic. 2nd July/ 29 June- 6 July.
- 2004.“Introduction to general concepts: The concept of nature/naturalness”, Bio-T-Ethics PhD. Course 2, Portofino, Italy, 26 March/ 20-27 March.
- 2003. “Implementing public ethical concerns in policy-making. Denmark as an example (The consensus-conferences, ethical guidelines and public debate)”, PhD. Course Bio-T-Ethics 1, Cernay, France, 20-24 April.
Service and activity:
- 2013-2014 - Coordinator and chair of the Centre for Biomedical Ethics’ Journal Club seminar series, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
- 2008-2013 - Responsible for the Centre for Biomedical Ethics’ library, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
- 2012-2013 - Co-facilitator (selected sessions only). Plenary discussion session at The Necessary Stage Performance ”Future Perfect”, Singapore Science Centre, 8 and 9 March.
Conference organisation:
- 2012. Conference coordinator and co-planner of scientific programme with PI and Project coordinator. International Conference on Human Enhancement Technologies – Understanding Governance, Policies and Regulatory Structures in the Global Context, Hotel Grand Park City Hall, Singapore, June 7-8.
- 2009. Conference coordinator and co-planner of scientific programme with PI and project coordinator. International Data Sharing and Biometric Identification – the Ethical Issues in an Asian and International Context. Hotel Royal Plaza on Scotts, Singapore, 2-3 July.
- 2007. Conference coordinator and co-planner of scientific programme with the project coordinator. Final conference and consortium meeting, University of Bristol, 27-28 September.