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Our People

A highly skilled and dedicated team

Medical students and residents learn from a highly skilled team of geriatric clinical specialists and medical researchers with a strong commitment to excellence in patient care, education and scientific inquiry.

Our division comprises geriatric physicians and researchers based at the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre and the Saint John Regional Hospital, all of whom are faculty members at Dalhousie University in the departments of Medicine, Community Health & Epidemiology, Family Medicine, Neurology, Pharmacology, Psychology and/or the School of Health Administration.

Name Special interest
Dr. Paige Moorhouse
Division Head
Clinical / Research
Dr. Melissa Andrew DoM Research Director
Dr. Daniel Carver Clinical
Dr. Alison Dixon  
Dr. Susan Freter Clinical
Dr. Katalin Koller Clinical
Dr. Alethea Lacas Clinical
Dr. Laurie Mallery Clinical
Dr. Kenneth Rockwood Clinical / Research
Dr. Alexandra "Alex" Rogers  
Dr. Samuel Searle  
Dr. Michael Sun  
Dr. Maia von Maltzahn Education Program Director

Cross appointments

Name Cross from
Dr. Susan Bowles College of Pharmacy
Dr. John Fisk Psychiatry
Dr. Mary Gorman Family Medicine
Dr. Susan Howlett Pharmacology
Dr. Susan Kirkland Community Health & Epidemiology
Dr. Olga Theou Faculty of Health
School of Physiotherapy

Adjunct apointments

Name Site
Dr. Abdulla Aal Ali
Dr. Janice Keefe
Mount Saint Vincent University
Paula McLaughlin  
Dr. Xiaowei Song
Vancouver, BC

Academic only appointments

Dr. Usman Ahmed
Saint John, NB
Dr. Julie Chandler
Yarmouth, NS
Dr. Kathleen Clarkson
Fredericton, NB
Dr. Leo Marlon Cruz
Fredericton, NB
Dr. Diyana Docheva
Bridgewater, NS
Dr. Patrick Feltmate
Fredericton, NB
Dr. Christian Hanson Saint John, NB
Dr. Pamela Jarrett
Saint John, NB
Dr. Maggie Lovett Lunenburg, NS
Dr. Elizabeth MacDonald
Saint John, NB
Dr. Jason MacDonald Moncton, NB
Dr. Donna MacNeil
Saint John, NB
Dr. Alison Rodger
Saint John, NB
Dr. Annette Thebeau Moncton, NB
