Important changes to CBL tutorial cases
Med 1 and 2 CBL Tutorial Case Diversification - The Case Diversification Committee is making available a series of resources for students, tutors, and faculty members on the changes made to the CBL tutorial cases, and on the dimensions of diversity that have been added to the cases. Please note that the new cases for the Med 1 class were rolled out during the 2022/23 academic year. The new Med 2 cases were implemented starting in the 2023/24 academic year.
Resources for tutors, students, and faculty members:
FacDev Lounge Podcast – “Why we are changing the way we teach to reflect the patients we actually see” with Dr Lynette Reid and Dr Sanja Stanojevic (hosted by Dr Sarah Gander)
Introduction to case diversification for students and tutors (important for the first cases of the year, as it discusses the approaches tutorial groups can take to discussion of these dimensions of diversity.)
Names in cases and tutorial groups
A race-conscious approach to CBL cases
Sexual orientation and sex/gender identity in case diversification
Intersectionality in CBL case diversification
The social determinants of health (SDOH) in CBL cases
Weight and health in CBL cases
Ability, disability, and difference in diversified CBL cases
Now online - UGME Curriculum Map
Upcoming sessions for tutors:
Case Diversification for Tutors with Dr Lynette Reid (23:20 minutes)
Case Tutorial Process Part 1 with Dr Lynette Reid (11:09 minutes)
Case Tutorial Process Part 2 with Dr Lynette Reid (11:52 minutes)
Recommended that tutors attend White Fragility Clinics which are available to register for throughout the year to discuss any challenges around language and experiences.
Webinar Recordings:
Contact for available recordings.