Dr. Charles Lo Prize in Radiology Research
Encouraging faculty research
The Dr. Charles Lo Prize in Radiology Research provides the ability to recognize our faculty investigators for their exceptional research efforts.
Each year, faculty are invited to submit nominations of members who have made outstanding contributions to research. The selected recipient is announced at Research Day. They may choose to use the award for operating expenses or equipment.
Dr. Charles Lo
Dr. Lo served as Department Head of Diagnostic Radiology from 2003 to 2008. This prize was established to recognize his strong support of Radiology's research mission. The award is funded through a Dalhousie endowment established by Dr. Lo's colleagues.

** Also cross-listed on About page.
Award Recipients
- 2024 - Dr. David Volders
- 2023 - Dr. Kimberly Brewer
- 2022 - Dr. Jennifer Payne
- 2021 - Dr. David Barnes
- 2020 - Not awarded due to COVID-19
- 2019 - Dr. Robert Abraham
- 2018 - Dr. Andreu Costa
- 2017 - Dr. Sharon Clarke
- 2016 - Dr. Daria Manos
- 2015 - Dr. Steven Beyea
- 2014 - Prof. Mo Abdolell
- 2013 - Dr. Jai Shankar
- 2012 - Dr. Matthias Schmidt
- 2011 - Dr. Steve Burrell